Wednesday 24 June 2020

Top 10 Ways to Keep Your Mind Fit

Top 10 Ways to Keep Your Mind  Fit
Are you like me going into a room and forgetting what you went in for?

Do you forget what you are talking about in the middle of the sentence?

Can't remember names?

Most of us experience this and it is usually just because we are stressed or overworked. Our minds get tired and why not when they have so much information - most are trivial - hidden, making our brain cells work overtime.
We all have heard the saying "use it or lose it" and this is not only true for the body, but also for the mind.
Just as muscles need exercise, your brain needs mental workouts to stay in shape. Whether you’re 25 or 75, it’s always the right time to think about keeping your mind healthy. Strong-minded people live richer and more fulfilling lives.

Here are some easy ways to keep your mind fit and healthy :

1. Play Games

3x3 Rubik's Cube

Brain fitness programs and games are a wonderful way to stimulate and challenge your brainWhether it's crossword puzzles, , chess, sudoku, or cards, these games not only help to relax, but make our mind work, These games are based on logic, word skills, math, and take some time each day to do activities like this.
Spend 15 minutes or so, not hours.

2. Get exercise daily

An on Treadmill

Physical exercise is also great for the brain. By moving your body, your brain needs to learn new muscle skills, assess distance, and balance practice. Both cardio and obesity have a positive impact on the brain. It can help your brain create new cells. Choose a variety of exercises to challenge your mind. A 30-minute workout a day will also keep your mind focused

3. Eat brain-healthy foods

Bunch of Slice Fruits

A healthy diet can benefit your mind as well as your body. Make sure you have enough nutritional content full of healthy foods and include the complete B group Vitamins. Foods rich in fruits like antioxidants and omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to boost memory and alertness and have other benefits for good brain health. Glucose provides the brain's energy and therefore be good to include other carbohydrates in your diet. Eliminate trans fats completely from your diet.

4. Stay socially engaged

Photograph of Men Having Conversation Seating on Chair

Face-to-face interaction with others attracts all senses and requires attention to both visual and auditory signals. Recent studies show that active social lives lead to a lower risk of dementia as well as lower blood pressure and longer life expectancy. The dialogue is often unpredictable and requires active listening and response.
Communication raises ideas that's why to Introduce some "stimulating conversations" that make you think about your point of view.

5. Get a good night’s sleep

Photo of Sleeping Man

Again, just as the body needs rest, also the mind needs restSleep is the 'downtime' of your body and mind.
Scientists believe that our brains strengthen our learning and memories during sleep. Studies have shown that people who don’t get enough sleep have more trouble learning new information, and while sleeping after learning something new helps the brain put that information into long-term memory.

6. Turn Off /down the volume of Your Television

Black CRT TV

The average person watches more than four hours of television every day. Television can interfere with your relationships, your life, and more. Turn off the TV and spend more time living and exercising your mind and body or Matching the TV volume to the conversation level can help you catch every word when talking to others.

7. Practise Meditation Daily

Closeup Photography of Stacked Stones

Meditation is perhaps the greatest thing you can do for mind/body health. Daily meditation can calm your body, reduce your breathing, and reduce stress and anxiety. Meditation not only relaxes you but gives your brain exercise. By creating a different mental state, you engage the brain in new and interesting ways, while increasing the condition of the brain. Taking time to meditate or spending time alone with your own thoughts will relax your mind.
Find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and spend five minutes meditating each day.

8. Learn something new every day

Person Holding Lighted Sparkler

Learning a new skill is not only fun and interesting, but it may also help strengthen the connections in your brain.
Research from 2014 also shows that learning a new skill can help improve memory function in older adults. Learning a new skill affects several areas of the brain. Your memory comes into play, you learn new movements and connect things differently. Reading Shakespeare, learning to cook, and building airplanes out of toothpicks will all challenge your brain and give you something to think about.

9. Listen to or Play Music

Modern electric and acoustic guitars on stage in club

Developing better listening habits will help you in your understanding, thinking, and remembering. Reconstructing a song requires close attentional focus and active memory. When you focus, you release brain chemicals, like the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which allows plasticity and quickens memory.
According to a 2017 study, listening to happy tunes helps generate more innovative solutions compared to being in silence. This means, cranking up some feel-good music can help boost your creative thinking and brainpower.
And if you want to learn how to play music, now is a great time to start because your brain is capable of learning new skills at any point in your life. That’s why you’re never too old to start playing an instrument like the piano, guitar, or even the drums.

10. Reading Books

Person Behind Books

One of the first things one thinks of when talking about stimulating the mind is reading. It doesn't necessarily have to be books, but reading, in general, is stimulating the mind. It also develops ones feeling for language, and developing the language makes one grow as a human. One can assimilate broader and deeper texts. This of course requires that we read texts that give us something. We all have a level of reading ability and understanding, and to develop our reading and our mind we need to deepen this ability and understanding.

Tuesday 23 June 2020

What is self-care?

What is self-care?

Person Touching Hand

Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately to look after our mental, emotional, and physical health. Although it is a simple concept, in theory, we often overlook it. Proper care is the key to improving mood and reducing anxiety. It is also vital to good relations with oneself and others.

Why Self-Care Matters?

Question Mark Illustration

It is important to ensure that you are taking care of your body, mind, and soul every day, no matter when you are sick. Learn to eat, reduce stress, exercise regularly, and take breaks when you need them as a self-care consumer and can help you with stress, eating Stay healthy, and stay safe.

How Do You Engage in Self-Care?

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to get involved in self-care.
Here are some ways to get started with your self-care.

1. Make Sleep part of your Self-Care routine

Sleeping Man and Baby in Close-up Photography

Sleep can have a huge impact on your emotional and physical health. Not getting enough can cause serious health problems. But stress and other negative influences can cause us to sleep.
Next, make sure that your bedroom is the best place for you to get sleep. It should be free of any distractions (such as TV, laptop, cellphone, etc.). Also, make sure you have a dark room to see the sun so you don’t wake up in the morning.

2. Take care of yourself while taking care of your gut.

Grayscale Photo of Laughing Old Man

Your gut health can have a huge impact on your health, well-being, and feelings of strength. The types of foods you eat crucially impact the bacteria that live in your stomach, resulting in a cascade of positive or negative results. An unhappy gut can lead to an unhappy person and vice versa.

3. Exercise daily is part of your self-care routine.

An on Treadmill

We all know that exercise is good for us, but do we really know how good it is? Daily exercise can help you both physically and mentally, improving mood and reducing stress and anxiety, not to mention helping you lose extra weight.
Obviously, it can be difficult to go to the gym every day, so try to incorporate other exercises, like walking, tennis or yoga, that can fit your schedule more easily. The most important thing is to create a routine that works for you. 

4. Eat right for self-care.

Assorted Sliced Fruits

The foods we eat have the potential to keep us healthy or contribute to weight gain or diseases like diabetes, but they can also keep our minds working and alert. Eating the right foods can help prevent short-term memory loss and inflammation, which can have long-term effects on the brain and, in turn, on the rest of the body. Some of the most surprising self-care foods include fatty fish, blueberries, nuts, green leafy vegetables and brassicas such as broccoli.

5. Say No to others, and say yes to your self-care

Photo of Woman Looking at the Mirror

Learning to say is not really difficult; many of us feel compelled to say yes when someone asks for our time or energy. However, if you are already stressed or overworked, saying yes to loved ones or coworkers can lead to exhaustion, anxiety, and irritability. It may take a little practice, but once you learn to say politely no, you will begin to feel more empowered and have more time to take care of yourself.

6. Take a Self-care break by getting outside

Person Sitting on Rock on Body of Water

Spending time outside can help you reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and get more attention. Studies have even shown that leaving home can help reduce fatigue, being a great way to overcome symptoms of depression or exhaustion. Going out can also help you sleep better at night, especially if you do some physical activity, like walking or walking, while you're out.

7. Schedule your Self-care time

Pen on to Do List Paper

It can be difficult for all of us to find extra time. But it is extremely important to plan a regular self-care time. Moments alone can help you reflect on the best ways to move forward in your life and keep you grounded. And moments with friends can help you feel more connected and relaxed.
If you decide to take a long walk, take a hot shower, or enjoy a good movie with friends, it is essential to have time for self-care. Look for small ways to incorporate it into everyday life; for example, you can wake up 15 minutes early to sit down with a cup of tea and practice deep breathing before the day's chaos starts, or you can take a walk around the block during lunch. The more time of self-care you can on your schedule, the better you can grow, enjoy your life and prosper. 

Benefits of Self-Care

Silhouette Photography of Group of People Jumping during Golden Time

With the definition of self-care on the table, we may now be able to see what happens to us when it is added to our lives. So, why is self-care important?
As mentioned above, self-care has many benefits. The most obvious mood and energy is related to the levels of pleasure. 
However, as it turns out, research also shows a number of broad benefits.

1.Better productivity

When you learn how to say “no” to things that make you postpone and start looking for the more important things, you slow down your life in a positive way. This brings your goals into focus and helps you concentrate on what you have done.

2.Improve the immune system

There is evidence that in many cases self-care improves your mental health (PNS). What this means is that if your body goes into a relaxed environment, again and again, it helps maintain a healthy body.

3.Better physical health

Similarly, in the past, with better self-care than the flu, colds, and diarrhea. No stress and a better immune system can help your body stay strong and strong inside and outside.

4.Enhanced self-esteem

When you regularly miss moments that are simply about doing what is good for yourself and meeting your own needs, you send the right message to your unconscious. Specifically, you treat yourself as you value and have intrinsic values. This can take a long time to obscure your self-talk and your inner voice

5.Increased self-knowledge

Practicing yourself should reflect on what you enjoy doing. Being on the brink of exercising in a way that is attractive to you and motivated can help you better understand yourself. In some cases, this can lead to changes in performance or redundancy as previously worked.

6.More to give

When you do good for yourself, you may think that you are selfish. Of course, self-care gives you the resources you need to have compassion for others as well. To feel compassion is like filling a bucket; You can't write to someone else unless you have enough of yourself!

Monday 22 June 2020

Weight Loss Tips

Weight Loss Tips
Weight Loss Tips

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Although no one is a magic bullet for weight loss, there are certain foods that can help you reach your weight loss goals. Overweight or obese can lead to various health problems. Although a variety of 'fad' foods are available, a balanced diet and nutritious diet are key to a healthy life and good weight control.
Having excess body weight can increase your risk of serious health problems
Destructive foods are not a sustainable solution, whatever interest advocates claim to have. In order to both lose weight safely and maintain that weight over time, it is necessary to make slow, steady, and effective lifestyle changes.
People are often advised to do all the crazy things, most of which have no evidence behind it.
However, in recent years, scientists have found several strategies that seem to be effective.
Here are some of the weight loss tips that are actually based on evidence :

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It is often said that drinking water can help with weight loss - and that's true. Drinking water before meals has also been shown to naturally reduce the dietary components, which can prevent excessive overgrowth, which prevents weight loss.

tea, drink, herbal, nettle, hot, mug, cup, relax, glass cup ...

Green tea has many benefits, one of which is weight loss. Although green tea contains only a small amount of caffeine, it is packed with powerful antioxidants, which are believed to work synergistically with caffeine to promote fat burning.
Although evidence is mixed, many studies show that green tea (either as a drink or a green tea drink) can help you lose weight.

cafe, coffee, cup, food and drink, drink, coffee - drink, mug ...

Like Green tea, coffee has many benefits, one of which is weight loss. Coffee is unfairly demonized. Quality coffee is infused with antioxidants and has several health benefits. Studies show that caffeine in coffee increases metabolism by 3–11% and increases fat burning by 10–29%.
Be sure not to add a bunch of sugar or other high-calorie ingredients to your coffee. It completely negates any benefits.

4:Build a better breakfast

Fried Egg and Bread Pklatter

5:Eat plenty of Fruits and Vegetables 

Variety Of Fruits

Fruits and vegetables are low in calories and fat and high in fiber. Fruits and Vegetables are best for successful weight loss. They also contain many vitamins and minerals.
Studies show that people who eat vegetables and fruits tend to lose weight. These foods are also very nutritious, so consuming them is important for your health.

6:Take a walk

Photo of Woman Wearing Pink Sports Shoes Walking

Don’t get me wrong - exercise is always good for you. But evening activity can be especially beneficial because the metabolism of many slows down towards the end of the day. Thirty minutes of aerobic activity before dinner increases your metabolic rate and you can raise it for another two or three hours, even after you have stopped moving. In addition, it will help you relax after a meal so that you will not be attracted to grazing caused by stress, which can increase calories.
It appears to be particularly effective in losing belly fat, unhealthy fat that accumulates around your organs and causes metabolic disease.

Photo of Sleeping Man

Sleep is greatly underestimated, but it can be just as important as healthy eating and physical activity. Studies show that poor sleep is one of the strongest risk factors for obesity, as it is associated with an 89% increased risk of obesity in children and 55% in adults.
Proper sleep can help you avoid excessive weight gain and lose weight over time.

Note : 

Research by scientists has shown that some foods can have an impact on appetite. They could be beneficial for weight loss when incorporated into a healthy diet and lifestyle.
People should buy nutrient-rich foods if they are trying to lose weight. Foods that provide protein and fiber could be especially useful for weight management.
One study found that some foods - including fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and yogurt - were linked to weight loss.
In the same study, potato chips, sugary drinks, red meat, and processed meat were associated with weight gain.
Based on these findings, it may be better to limit fried foods, sugary foods, high-fat meats, and processed foods when trying to change pounds.
Although the right foods can be helpful, physical activity is essential to lose weight and keep the pounds off. 

It is important to consult a doctor before starting any physical activity program.

Saturday 25 April 2020

Top 5 Fitness Tips

Are you Tired of working out at the gym and not seeing results?
Not just you - many people show determination, determination and perseverance, but fail to achieve their goals. If this is known, the next logical step is usually to find a certified personal trainer.
But if you're not ready to take that step - or if you want to go it alone - you can do it.
To If you want to start your journey to having a better body to feel great, here are some tips:

1 . Make sure you're eating healthy

Ask almost any personal trainer and he will tell you that, regardless of your training goals, a healthy diet is the foundation. Food is what nourishes your body to achieve your goals, and without proper nutrition, through quality food, you can stop.
Maintain a balanced diet consisting of fruits,vegetables,complex ,carbohydrates, complete proteins, and healthy fats like fish oils and flaxseeds.

2 . Eat more clean food

Eating just three every day suppers? Not an extraordinary thought. "A large portion of the individuals I manage aren't getting in shape since they don't eat enough," says veteran fitness coach Mike Duffy.Duffy encourages his customers to 'eat five times a day, about the same size as for adjusting their dietary supplements,' including two small dinners between the three-day meal.With action levels diminishing for the duration of the day,He encourages "eating less throughout the day".

3 . Exercise daily

Exercise day by day for at any least 60 minutes. You don't need to kill yourself from running, running, and so on., however you ought to have a type of moderate physical movement in your regular daily existence. In case you're hoping to shed a couple of pounds quick, do a more elevated level power exercise.For instance, go on a stroll at a lively pace for 60 minutes. Or then again, you can run and set certain interims to run during that hour. Ensure you're not in serious torment during your exercise.Only an admonition, your muscles will throb after a high power exercise.It might be disturbing, however that implies your body is improving.Make certain to remain hydrated, stretch, and eat nourishments with a better than average measure of protein after every exercise.The protein will help keep your muscles, not fat, revamping.

4 . Be Sure to Get Sleep

Despite the fact that a large portion of us have eight-hour employments during the day or night, it is pivotal to get enough rest to revive the body's batteries.Six to eight hours of rest will support your body during the day, but if you feel tired at any time after returning home from work, you will rest a bit before training. You only need to sleep for half an hour, because it will prevent you from staying up late at night.

5 . Stay Motivated

A significant key to being fit as a fiddle is to define objectives and keep an uplifting outlook.In the event that you remain positive , you will have to option to drive to get that fit body you've constantly needed.

Thursday 23 April 2020

The benefits of cycling that you have never heard before

You already know that cycling can chisel your legs and tighten your gluten and zapping hundreds of calories per hour. But there are tons of other ways cycling can benefit your body and your brain.
That's right - some of the best benefits of cycling can only be achieved by riding on a road or on a track.
If you are thinking about taking your cycling and calculating it based on other potential activities, we are here to say that cycling is the best option.
That's right we're biased - but there are several good reasons to choose cycling as your new pass. Here are just a few…

1 . Promotes mental health

Cycling can relieve feelings of stress, depression or anxiety. Focusing on the bike will help you develop concentration and awareness of the present moment. This can help shift the focus of your day's spiritual conversation.Repeated exercise has been done on mental health - with no change in consciousness that can lead to dementia later on.
If you are feeling depressed or inexpensive, visit the bike for at least ten minutes. Exercise stimulates endorphins, which in turn help the body while reducing stress levels.
You may feel more confident and confident if you have made cycling a regular part of your life.

Marathon brings 10,000 stories of dedication and love > U.S. Air ...

2. Reduces the risk of heart disease and cancer

"cycling increases the circulation of the heart and pumps blood to the body and cleanses calories, limiting the possibility of weight loss." As a result, it is among the selection of forms of exercise recommended by the NHS, which are healthy ways to reduce the risk of developing serious diseases, such as heart disease and cancer.
Cycling is an excellent addition to your health plan if you have or recover from cancer. Cycling can also increase your body weight and absorption, which can reduce your risk of certain cancers, including breast cancer.
The new evidence was presented earlier this year in the form of a study conducted by the University of Glasgow. Researchers study over 260,000 individuals over five years - and find that cycling at work can lead to a higher risk of heart disease or cancer in half of them.
Dr. Jason Gill of the Institute of Cardiovascular and Medical Sciences said: “The cycle path to work in whole or in part was associated with a significantly lower risk of adverse health effects.”

Man Standing Near Shore

3. Cycling promotes weight loss

A simple equation, when it comes to weight loss, is "calories out must exceed calories in". So you have to spend more calories than you have to reduce the weight. Cycling burns calories: between 400 and 1000 per hour, depending on the intensity and weight of the cyclist.
Bicycling, especially high intensity, helps to reduce body fat, promote good body control. In addition, you increase your metabolism and expand muscles, which will cause you to burn more calories, even when resting.
Assuming you enjoy cycling, you burn calories. And if you eat well, you must lose weight.

Strong sportsman exercising with shoulder press machine in gym

4 . Bicycling saves time

Compare these three practices:

1.Get in the car, stay in traffic, get in, stop, pay, stop, get to the parking lot
2.Go to the bus station, wait for the bus, complain that the bus is late, pay on the bus, see if it takes you around your home, and go about a half mile to your destination.
3.Get off your bicycle, filter past traffic, block your bicycle, go there
Short trips contribute significantly to international pollution levels and often increase the amount of parking available by looking at the front cover. Get on your bicycle and save gas or money on public transportation as well as time.

5 . Cycling builds muscle

The resistance element of cycling means that it not only burns fat: it also builds muscles - especially around the glutes, hamstrings, quadriceps and calves. Muscles are thinner than fat, and people with a higher percentage of muscles burn more calories, even when they are sedentary.
To be clear, you will not end up with ATVs like a track sprinter unless you spend a significant amount of time squatting. But you will develop a good tinted derrier.

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Drawbacks and safety

There are some obstacles in cycling.
The risk of an accident, whether in the city or in a rural area, is a serious disadvantage. Whenever possible, walk along paths reserved for cyclists and the surrounding streets.
Studies in 2020 have shown that there is less collision between cyclists and vehicles on the roads, and 550 meters from the route on the streets.
Always follow traffic laws.Be careful when you go through intersections and busy places, even if you have the right to make your way.Invest in a high quality helmet and any other protective equipment you need.
Avoid loose clothing that may be caught in bicycle chains.Light bikes and reflex tools for cycling at night.
If cycling is a long way to work, consider bringing a refreshing clothing change.
Future weather can also be an obstacle.On days when outdoor cycling is not possible,you can ride a stationary bike or choose another activity.If cycling is your mode of transportation, invest in rain and cold equipment.
For long trips throughout the day,  use a sunscreen on your skin.Apply again 2 hours, especially if you are sweating.Wear sunglasses and a hat.Consider investing in UV protection clothing.
Air pollution is another concern if you ride a bike in a city.You can choose to bike on days when the air is cleaner, or ride on less crowded roads.
Rest if you suffer from pain, fatigue, or muscle aches. If you exercise, you may be given at least 1 full day of rest per week.